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A. Pallesi Art Gallery

Alfredo Pallesi was born in Bologna. Born into a family of antique dealers, he opened his first practice in Rome in 1968. In 1981, he began working with Finarte Casa d’Aste in Rome. After a few years, he was appointed General Manager, first of the Milan headquarters, then Madrid.

In 2002, he resigned from Finarte and opened a gallery in Rome at 54 Via Margutta. He returned to his former activity, selling paintings and sculptures from the 17th to the 20th century. He took part in various exhibitions, including the Florence and Rome Biennales. In 2011, he moved the gallery to the Principality of Monaco, where it opened at the Park Palace.


Views and landscapes of Italy

The nineteenth century was characterized by far greater ease of travel across Europe than in the previous century. Italy became the destination of choice for foreign painters. Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples and the surrounding area were much frequented by artists from all over Europe, as their countless travel diaries attest.

Numerous paintings of Italian views and landscapes have made a name for themselves throughout Europe and across the Atlantic. For an Italian gallery established abroad, it seemed only natural to present a sample of these works, which bear witness to the artistic development of the period.