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Almine Rech

Almine Rech Gallery, present in Paris, Brussels, London, New York, Shanghai and more recently in Gstaad and Monaco, is known for representing minimalist, perceptual and conceptual artists such as James Turrell, John McCracken and Joseph Kosuth.

In addition to preserving long-standing relationships with renowned artists such as Joseph Kosuth, James Turrell, and De Wain Valentine, Almine Rech works with emerging artists like Farah Atassi, Oliver Beer, Andrea Marie Breiling, Genieve Figgis, Daniel Gibson, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, George Rouy, Vaughn Spann, Emma Stern, Claire Tabouret, Genesis Tramaine, Amanda Wall, Chloe Wise, and Huang Yuxing alongside established artists and estates, such as John M Armleder, Karel Appel, Alexander Calder, Ha Chong-Hyun, Günther Förg, Jeff Koons, Jannis Kounellis, Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tàpies, Mai-Thu, Richard Prince, Tom Wesselmann, and Kim Tschang-Yeul.

In 2024, the gallery expanded in Monaco with the opening of a new space in the Carré d’Or district.

Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm

Almine Rech
20 Avenue de la Costa
98000 Monaco


Nature’s Reflections

Miquel Barceló, Johan Creten, Eric Croes, Gregor Hildebrandt, John McAllister, Anthony Miler, Tursic & Mille, Tia-Thuy Nguyen, Ugo Rondinone and Thu-Van Tran

Artists today draw inspiration from the intricate beauty of nature, depicting nature as a setting to express their inner feelings, forever changing the face of art.

As famed impressionist artist Paul Cezanne stated, “Painting from nature is not copying the object; it is realizing one’s sensations. Treat nature in terms of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything in proper perspective.”

From the delicate patterns of a leaf to the majestic contours of a landscape, they meticulously observe and interpret the world around them. Through various artistic mediums, including painting, sculpture, photography, and multimedia installations, they capture the essence of nature and convey its compelling narrative.

Untitled, 2021


Mixed media on canvas
140 x 140 cm
© Miquel Barceló
Courtesy of the Artist and Almine Rech
Photo: Serge Hasenböhler